Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Is It Just Me???
It's so hard for me to walk into the gym and see people working half-assed! You've seen them, too, I know you have. They're on the treadmill with the incline jacked all the way up, hanging on and talking to their girlfriend on the next treadmill. They're on the phone, talking a little too loudly, trying to show that they're important. They're at the back of the class, doing the motions but not at 100%. Or they're in the weight room, "swinging" the weights around ... Mind you, I understand if they're sick or not up to par, but I've seen people who are sick or not up to par, too, and they're giving it the best that they have, or they rest until they are able to get back into their groove.
When I posted this as my FaceBook status, I received many comments to the effect that, "Not everyone can be you, Row." Or, "Not everyone has the physical abilities that you do, Row." Or, "I'm glad I didn't go because you'd just laugh at me." Yada, yada, yada ... blah, blah, blah!
My point, and I DO have one, is that people pay to go to the gym, or have a trainer, or to go workout and they don't put forth the effort. They lag, or they talk, don't do the moves right, or don't use the equipment correctly ... It's soooooo NOT a matter of physical abilities because lots of people just starting out try hard, ask questions, and workout to 100% of their ability!
I can hear many of you asking why I don't help these individuals. I have attempted to, trust me. I have offered "friendly" advice. I have tried to correct poor form. I have even cited safety concerns. For the most part, I do offer my advice as "constructive criticism." It's NOT my intent to laugh at anyone, or to make them feel small. Seriously, I am happy to see people working out. But remember, I am an ER Nurse and I have taken care of my fair share of individuals who have dropped weights on themselves, "fallen" off the treadmill, pulled muscles because of improper mechanics, etc. I talk to individuals who want "quick-fixes," and get upset because I cannot offer them any other advice other than hard work, and better eating habits. There are NO shortcuts, or at least I have not found any.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am too hypercritical of others. I don't believe that I am though. I've been dubbed "hardcore," and other crazy adjectives to that effect. I believe in getting your money's worth, putting your best foot forward, doing your best, giving it your all in order to achieve the BEST results possible. Anything less = FAIL!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I Run Because ... I Am A Runner
Running and being an athlete was something that has come so naturally to me. I taught myself how to ride a bicycle. Yep, I was fortunate to have a neighbor named Faith who had a two wheeled bike that I coveted and an unlocked garage ... don't worry, I didn't steal the bike. Faith said that I could borrow her bike anytime, I just had to put it back. So I did. I taught myself how to ride that bicycle in less than an hour, and I know that I rode her bicycle more than she ever did. The only thing that I regret about teaching myself how to ride that bicycle is how I remember the look on my father's face when he saw me riding a two-wheeler ... I believe that he wanted to be the one to teach me how to ride that bike! But me being as tenacious and stubborn as I am, I couldn't wait for him, I was going to do it myself. I'm still like that to this day ... tenacious, stubborn, strong-willed, self-motivated, self-directed ...
Organized running came to me in the fourth grade. Junior Olympics! I'll never forget how I had to beat all the girls in my class, then all the other girls in the fourth grade to make it to run in the Junior Olympics. I really had no clue what was happening, I just remember that I was FAST and that I got to run on a really cool track at Burroughs High School! And so my running career officially began. I ran track in middle school at Aliamanu Intermediate School, then came high school cross country and track at Radford High School, both in Hawaii.
After high school, I ran for recreational and fitness purposes only, and it began to taper off to the point where I would only run sporadically. You could say that I took at 10 year break. It was only after one of my trainers, Pete, talked me into running the Wharf-to-Wharf in Santa Cruz that the interest sparked again. Mind you, I have never really quit working out, running was just not part of my workouts. So when I seriously returned to running it was slightly painful ... Thank God for muscle memory. My muscles remembered how much it loved running!
Today, I still run for my own personal sense of satisfaction. I am in no means fast, but I can endure. I have found that I love my Nike+ iPod, Fleet Feet saved my feet, dri-fit feels good, and that half-marathons are a perfect running distance. I laugh at myself as I talk to myself during the first two miles of any of my runs - those two miles are the most difficult for me. I have learned that it takes sheer guts to run a full marathon, and that it sucks big time when you hit "the wall!" I have learned that sunblock and hats are my new best friends. I love running with my friends - physically and virtually.
I know that I won't be breaking any records, therefore my goals are different, and simple. With each organized race that I run, my goal is to better my times. My goal is to get faster. I run to stay in shape, to work off frustration, to burn calories that I should not have eaten, and to burn of excess energy. I run because I actually like the runner's high. I run because I like to know that my body CAN do it as "old" as it is, and much better than most of the young'uns out there! I know that all athletes run ... it's a great adjunct to all of my workouts! I run because I am Row., and I am strong, and crazy, and I just love running. I believe whole-heartedly that anyone can do it. It's not about how fast you are ... it's that you're up and out there doing it! If you see me on the road ... don't be afraid to honk and Holla!, then get outta your car and come with me!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Who's Ready For Fitness in 2010? I Am!!! I Am!!!
Are you ready to go? Pull your calendar's out, grab a pen, and let's get started ...
January 1st, Friday: the PERFECT day to begin. It's the Resolutions Run in Auburn. 5k, 10k or 10 miles. I am planning to run the 10 mile run. NO excuses. I am working on New Years Eve - all night! Yep, from 7pm to 7am. The run starts at 1pm so I'll have time to catch a quick power nap while my hubby drives us up there and right before check in.
January 2nd, Saturday: TBF Racing's New Year's Duathalon! Run 2miles, Bike 7miles, Run 2miles ... it's free!!! Another no excuses day! TBF is graciously offering their services to teach us the Du!
February 7th, Sunday: Kaiser Permanente's Annual Half Marathon and 5k, San Francisco, CA. I'll be running the Half Marathon.
March 13, Saturday: Stockton Shamrock Run. No web information or sign-ups posted yet, but will be soon on
March 14, Sunday: Shamrock'n Half Marathon, Sacramento, CA. Okay ... I got talked into this one, but it makes sense because my running buddy, Mac Donahoo, and I have set a goal to become Half-Fanatics!!!
April 24th, Saturday: It's the Annual Kaiser Permanente Spear-It Run. Easy and FUN in Downtown Stockton, Cali. 1mile, 5k, 5mile. Last year I ran the 5mile, and this year I'll run the same! Come to Stockton, get your run on, then have you some asparagus! No web information or sign-ups yet, but will be posted soon on
April 25, Sunday: Okay, this is new. My friend Mac Donahoo wants me to consider running in Big Sur. 21 miles. Something to consider ... Big Sur is beautiful. It's funny because I was thinking that I wanted to run the half marathon that they have, but in November. This event also has a 9 miler, 10 miler, and a kids 5K.
May, 2010 ... Still researching and searching for events. I'm thinking I'll just rest this month out! LOL!
May 01, 2010 ... Sacramento's American River Parkway Half. Half marathon that benefits the American River Parkway ... such a nice run!
June 6, Sunday: Muddy Buddy, San Jose! Oh boy! This is a definite must. This will be my 4th Muddy Buddy and it's a BLAST! A buddy duathalon ... approximate distance is 10K ... run, bike, run! I'm passionate about this event, and suggest it to everyone that I know. Last year we had a great group of people who got together to "Du" it ... I'm expecting the same turn-out this year! Check it out on
July 26, Sunday: Wharf-to-Wharf, Santa Cruz, California! This is a nice, fun 10k run! Sign ups for this race begin in April, and it sells out fast. Check out the website at
August, 2010 ... no info yet this early in the game, but I'm hoping that the Modesto Midnight Half-Marathon is a "go" again this year! Last year was the first annual one, and I enjoyed running in the dark, however, not many people did. There are a few kinks to workout so as soon as there is information out on it, I'll be sure and let everyone know. For now, just keep watching the blog, as I intend to update it regularly!
September, 2010 ... still searching for events!
September 25, 2010 ... WolfPack Events - Fall Showdown, San Pablo. Half Marathon in Concord, CA.
October 17, Sunday ... This is the day of the Annual Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. Sign-ups usually start in March, BUT ... it's a lottery so, unfortunately, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get in once you sign up. This will be my third marathon should I "win" the lottery again! I have always dedicated this run to my Dad, as this marathon benefits the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. It is during this time that I will seek donations/contributions and post a website to my donation link. I'll keep you posted when sign-ups begin so we can all enter the lottery together!
*Update* I'm in ... I won the lottery again. I'll be running NWM 2010!!!
October 23, Saturday: I'm anticipating that this will be the day of the Annual Nike Human Race. It's a 10k run anywhere ... you just have to have Nike+! Last year, I was fortuantely to meet Sarah Kay Hoffman, Nike Human Race Ambassador. We ran the 10K at Fleet Feet of Stockton. Good times. As it gets closer to the event, I'll remind everyone, but information can be found on
October 31, Sunday: Down and Dirty Mud Run, Sacramento, CA. First annual Down and Dirty Mud Run!!! A 10 K with obstacles. Presented by the same promoters of the Muddy Buddy, it is similar, however no biking.
November 13, Saturday: First Annual Veteran's Half and Fun 5k. I signed up for this event last year, however it was cancelled at the last minute! =( I'm hoping that this year it will not be cancelled and I'll be able to get the day off again this year! I'll request the night off again and see what happens. I'll sign up for the Half-Marathon when it comes up! This event was not scheduled, therefore, it's a NO Go!!! But ...
November 14, Sunday:First Annual Stockton Half Marathon. I'm in for this one. Stockton's first half marathon?!?! I'm all about staying close to home.
November 25, Thursday: Stockton's Annual Run Against Hunger. It's a 5k and 10k run. Last year I ran the 10k! Too much fun! Come on out, run, then get your grub on! You'll be able to eat your Thanksgiving dinner without guilt!
December 05 2010: California International Relay Challenge. Signed up with my running buddy, Mac Donahoo. We are team "MiniRow and The MACHine." Excited! We will each be running a half marathon. Mac will start, and I will pick up at leg 3 ... =)
So many things that I desire to do ... so little time!!! I have a goal to be a Half-Fanatic in 2010! That means that I need to up my game and find more events closer together.
I am open to various events. That means ... if you hear of any events that you think I'd enjoy, let me know and I'll go with you! My goal is to run at least 4 half marathons this year. I like 10ks because they're fast and easy. I'm always looking for places to go, and even "Staycations." It's crazy to say that my family vacations are usually centered around where the events are, but it's fun, and I am thankful that I have an understanding family that doesn't mind being "dragged" from place to place. Usually I try to get them involved also and participate, and sometimes (only sometimes) I'm successful.
I am a member of InShape Health Clubs and American Martial Arts Academy both in Stockton, California. I also have a pass to Bikram Yoga Stockton. I run, bike, kickbox. I have a black belt in Krav Maga, and I practice hot yoga! I love resistance training. I enjoy working out with others and am open to trying new things. You may very well see me running or biking out and about in Stockton - if you do, don't hesitate to come out and join me. (If you see me and I don't respond to your honking and/or yelling ... don't get upset if I don't acknowledge you ... it's because I'm running with my iPod on at full blast!) I am an exercise DVD and equipment hoard ... hahaha! P90X? Got it! Insanity? Yep! Elliptical? Uh-huh. Treadmill, weights, resistance bands, punching bags, exercise balls, medicine balls, jump ropes, pull-up bar ... I've got those, too! I carry a gym bag packed with workout clothing and running shoes in my trunk , as well as equipment! See, NO EXCUSES! Absolutely NONE!
Let's make 2010 the best year ever!! We can motivate, encourage, help, and hold each other accountable for staying on track as we get and STAY in shape TOGETHER! Let's goooo ... it'll be so much FFFFUUUNNN!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I Work Out So That I Can Eat Whatever I Want - Fact or Fiction?!
Thankfully though, I am one of those women who has been blessed with athletic abilities. I believe that once I was released from my mother's womb, I hit the ground running. I started walking at 9 months old. I ran my first track meet in the 4th grade. I dabbled in gymnastics, ran high school varsity track and cross country. I have a black belt in Krav Maga. I have participated in and have taught kickboxing classes. I have run 10Ks, half-marathons, and even a couple marathons. I am proud to say that I AM a very accomplished athlete.
My difficulties lie in that 1) I'm getting a little older, and 2) I like to eat - not a lot, but I do get caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar more times than it should be in there! The getting older part, I can't do anything about. But that part is only numbers. I don't feel the number that I am, and, if truth be told, I am better than those with numbers smaller than or less than mine. It's just hard to believe that I am over 40! I laugh when I think about that ... when did that happen?!? The eating part, I can change. I cannot change that which I do not acknowledge ... therefore, let me acknowledge my weakness now.
My name is Row., and I am HUMAN.
I like to eat. Not junk food, per se, but snacking on those which are not that great for an (slowly) aging body. I love bread and pasta. I love pastries - namely Apple Danishes from Toot Sweets, and Cinnamon Sour Cream or Blueberry Muffins. I DON'T eat them everyday, but I lie to myself when I do eat them. I try to tell myself that eating one will not harm me, and it won't, but I have to work EXTRA hard to work it off, and most times I don't do the extra work that is necessary. I forget the mantra, "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." I understand that I am the only one in control of what goes into my mouth. I cannot lay blame on anyone because no one is forcing me to eat the things that I do. However ... there are the occasional sabateurs .... Ha! I won't blame them either!
It's a joke to tell yourself that you workout so that you can eat whatever you want. It's a waste to workout if all you're going to do is eat crap. If you're not seeing the changes that you want, or if you're seeing changes that you don't want, most likely it's because your nutrition sucks! Bottom line is, if you eat crap and workout, you're still going to look like crap! Nutrition is a big part of fitness. We need to remember to eat to live versus living to eat. Fitness alone will NOT solve my "problems."
So here to day ... I acknowledge my weakness and my desire to change this behavior. When I choose to eat badly, I will make up for it in the gym by working out harder or longer. I intend to make better choices because most times it's just NOT worth the extra effort that must be put out to work it off! Seriously ... to "have to" run 2 miles to work off one doughnut ... Yeah, no!!! I'd rather do the best that I can to "keep it clean" and out of my mouth! I CAN do it, I know that I CAN!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
2010 New Year, New Intentions
In the upcoming 2010, my oldest child will turn 20! TWENTY!!! Holy Cow, Batman!!! That one's somewhat hard to swallow. I have another child who will start high school in the fall. Almost all of them are taller than I am, only the youngest one has yet to pass me up. Yeah, I know I'm not that tall to begin with ... but so what?
I have decided to pen, if you will, my intentions for 2010 during the month of December to get a healthy jump start. I have always been a big believer in the power of the written word, and I have always been one to write down my goals, aspirations, and resolutions, or in the last few years, my intentions.
What's the difference between a resolution and an intention? A resolution can be defined as the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. I am not a fan of resolutions. An intention, on the other hand, is defined as an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. I like intention better. An intent is more the state of a person's mind that directs his or her actions toward a specific object. I believe that this makes intentions more achievable and attainable ... You can do ANYTHING if you set your mind to it!
For many, they pen their resolutions with the best of intentions. They start off with a bang, but never give it time to develop and change or grow. It takes approximately three weeks to develop new habits ... 21 days. If you can stick with something for 21 days, you can almost gurantee your success in that change of behavior. I intend to do the things I say I am going to do, and I intend to start NOW so that by the time January 1st rolls around, I will be more than ready to tackle 2010! Time for new outlooks and new beginnings, as I have a deep desire to change for the BETTER!
So, without further hesitation, here are "Row.'s Intentions for 2010"
I intend to be a better parent. I know that my children are older, but it can never be too late to desire to be better for your children. I write this down every year, and I believe that I do get better, but that there is always room for improvement. Someone once wrote, "If I had my child to raise all over again, I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later. I'd finger-paint more, and point the finger less. I'd do less correcting and more connecting. I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes. I'd take more hikes and fly more kites. I'd stop playing serious, and seriously... play. I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars. I'd do more hugging and less tugging." I like that. I love my children more than anything. They are definately the BEST parts of me, my biggest and most cherished accomplishments. I may complain about them from time to time, but I would NEVER trade them for any other. For this, they deserve better of me.
I intend to be a better wife. You would think that after how ever many years that Chris and I have been together and married, that this would be a given. Marriage is HARD work, but I am truly thankful to have been blessed with the husband and partner that I have. He is definately the better half of the two of us. He loves me unconditionally, and tolerates my lability because God knows how labile I am. I sometimes believe that he deserves better, but he continually tells me that I am the best. For him, I will strive to be the best that he deserves.
I intend to eat better. Hahaha! This intention will definately be the most challenging for me. I don't eat "bad," but it's the little things that make a big difference in my weight. You know, a handful of chips here and there, that one "little" candy bar, a taste of this, a taste of that ... it all adds up! My intention is to eat more healthful, to pen what I put into my mouth, and to make better choices.
I intend to workout with even more vigor and passion. I feel as if I have cheated myself this last year ... it's time to amp it back up and kick it into high gear!
I intend to take my workouts up to another level. This means, that there are several parts to this intention:
**I intend to do some type of physical exercise 4-6 days/week.
**I intend to run at least 6 organized running events this year. My intent is to run a few 10ks, but at least 4 Half-Marathons. (I will start another blog with my event dates for 2010.)
**I intend to become a member of the Half-Fanatics ...
**I intend to improve my running time by at least one minute/mile.
**I intend to drop my body fat below 23% by eating healthfully and mindfully, and by amping up my workouts. This IS very attainable. (I will start a fitness journey blog, complete with NASTY pictures to document the transformation.)
**I intend to pen my physical activities and daily food intake daily. I have my journal ready!
**I intend to return to Kickboxing and Krav Maga. This is, by far, the BEST workout I have ever had. I've missed it over the last year. I love the atmosphere, the energy, the sweat. I love the energy expenditure, the feeling of being totally spent and wanting to throw up, yet still having the feeling of being so STRONG!
**I intend to utilize my free gym membership to its fullest. I am so thankful to have free gym membership thru work!
**I intend to gain more muscle definition ... "to get cut," if you will.
**I intend to encourage my friends to jump on my fitness boat!
I intend to be an even better parent to my daughter. For those of you that know, it's not a secret that my daughter is by far my biggest challenge. She has her "challenges" and has a few "issues" that need working on. It is my intent to strive to offer and find her the best that life has to offer. It is difficult for me to list all the things that I intend for her here, but know that I will work hard to ensure that she receives everything that she deserves to have great experiences in school, at home, and everywhere else. It is also my intent to remember that this is HER life, not mine, and that it's NOT about me! I love my girl ... she is the sweetest child!
I intend to purge all that is no longer working in my life ... whatever it may be ... things, people, etc. ... if it's not working it's going. That may sound crass when I speak of people, but I choose to be around positive individuals. I choose not to have Energy Vampires to suck the life out of me. God knows that that is not who I desire to be around.
I intend to choose my words wisely. I am not much of a speaker, but when I speak, I will choose to speak in the positive light or not speak at all. This may be tricky as I may have to remind myself to think before I speak. I have been known to "think out loud" or to speak before I give it much thought. I joke that my "sensor" or my "filter" is broken at times so this may prove to be another challenge. Honestly though, I believe that what comes out of my mouth first is the truth, but it comes out rather harshly. It is not my intent to harm anyone with my words because I know that once spoken they are hard to take back. I know the harm that words can inflict - it's the worst pain. Keep your words sweet because you may have to eat them ... Yeah, I know, I know!
I know that my list of intentions appears short. There are many more out there that I have yet to list. For now, this is a good start. I can always edit and add later. I've always loved New Year's Resolutions ... It's almost as if the World was saying, "Here's your chance, a clean slate, a chance to start anew, fresh." I would keep my list to see how many I actually accomplished ... This year will not be different. Next year, I'll pull out my list and see just how many I was able to conquer! Who's with me? Get your list going ... =)
Monday, July 13, 2009
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear - From Frank Herbert's Dune Book Series
© 1965 and 1984 Frank Herbert
Published by Putnam Pub Group
ISBN: 0399128964
The Litany Against Fear was an incantation spoken by by those who faced danger or fear during their everyday lives. It helped to focus their minds in times of peril.
I came across this incantation when I happened to be looking for motivation, inspiration and encouragement for my runs. Although it is not that I am afraid of my surroundings or the actual physical act of running when I am running, what I am afraid of are the thoughts that run through my head as I run ... thoughts such as, "I must look crazy," or "I'm running too slow." "Am I going to finish? How am I going to make it to the end?" Or how about this one, "I must be out of my mind to think that I could take this on!" And so forth and so on. It is my thought process that causes me to falter and slow down. I am my harshest critic, my own worst enemy. In reality, no one is really paying that much, if any attention to me.
Fear pushes what you want/desire away from you. What I found about the litany is that it calmed me. It allows me to refocus and reset my thinking. I believe that I am a strong individual spiritually, mentally, and physically. I believe that I have a mental toughness, a very strong will, and an unfaltering faith that many would envy, but there are times when I feel "weak," and once my negative thinking starts it's all downhill ... =[ It is at this time that I dig deep to find something to reset my brain/thinking. First I smile (even if it's a fake smile) then I start to tell myself positive things until I believe it. For I belive and know that I can do anything ... I just have to let go of the fear ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sometimes You Wonder
Who am I?
What am I doing here?
What's my purpose?
Why me?
Why not me?
How far?
What do I have to do?
What am I supposed to be doing?
I don't get it ...
You pray. You hope. You dream. You wish. You intend. You create. You try. You work. You work harder. You cry. You scream. You run. You stop. You take a minute to catch your breath. You breathe. You sigh. You keep on going, doing what you need to do, or what it is that you think that you need to be doing. But still ...
Sometimes you wonder ...
Is it enough?
What else do I need to do?
What else can I do?
What are the right words to say?
When is enough, enough?
When do you know that the questions that you have, have been answered?
Is there really a God? If so, where is (s)he, and how do I know if it's truly (her)him? I desire concrete, tangible proof ... how would I even know?
What do I need to be doing at this exact moment in time?
Where am I?
Where do I need to be?
Am I where I am supposed to be?
Am I lying? Or am I being honest? How would you know? How would I know?
Is this the life I'm supposed to be living?
Am I really who I am supposed to be?
Am I really who I think I am? Or am I just a figment of my own imagination?
I know that these are questions that we ask ourselves (or that I ask myself) all the time ... but I want to know because sometimes I wonder ...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Getting Fitter
So with all this great background, why bother to write a blog on fitness and weight loss? Am I not fit enough already?
My story is like that of many others ... I have ALWAYS been a fitness buff - runner, kickboxer, martial artist, gym rat. I have always been in good shape, however I have a fondness for food, particularly bread and pastries, that has led me to become what I consider "skinny fat." I'm one of those women who appear very fit and buff in my clothing, but in reality when those articles of clothing come off, I am "soft." It's the "softness" that I have difficulties with.
I get motivated, yet discouraged when I look at the women in magazines. I see their "perfection" and forget that they have been airbrushed and fluffed by others until they shine. It got me thinking about a conversation that I had with one of my old friends about women and magazines.
Does anyone know what the difference is when you look at women who are in magazines such as Vogue, or Madamoiselle, and women who are in magazines such as Playboy? Women who are in fashion magazines are women who are chosen by other women. Women who are in magazines such as Playboy or Sports Illustrated, are women who are chosen by men. Which magazine would you rather be in? The women who are in magazines chosen by other women, are women who are thinner, taller, and who are NOT realistic. The women who are in magazines who are chosen by men, are more apt to represent real women. Think about it - these women are curvier. Most men don't want skinny women - they don't want to be with a fatty either, but more like "real" women. You heard me right ... I'm talking about normal, average women with real bodies, and curves, and even softness.
I know that if you asked my husband, he would tell you that I am great the way that I am. He would tell you that my body is perfect to him.
It's my eyes that have the difficulties with what I see when I look in the mirror. To those who look at me, they see me as that fit, buff woman that I long to see. I can only see the soft. When people workout with me at the gym, they see me working hard - running, lifting, sweating, and encouraging my partner. They don't hear the voices in my head trying to convince me that I'm tired, that I can stop any time now, or that I'm hungry and need to go eat that pastry because I deserve it.
The bottom line is: I am getting in my own way. I am the only thing stopping me from achieving my fitness goals. My problem lies within my own mind. I hear a voice that tells me that I'm too fat, or too thick in the thighs, etc. I see a different version of myself than what everyone else sees when I look in the mirror. My mind can play some really nasty tricks on me, or tell me some really untrue things about myself. Why is it so hard for me to just love me as I am? What will happen when I finally get those thinner thighs or tighter butt? I'll find something else to try and "fix."
I am NOT striving to be thin, model like, or anorexic. I have absolutely NO desire to be anorexic or waif-like. I am striving to be a healthier, stronger, fitter, leaner version of myself. I desire to be strong and lean. I am already strong ... now to just lean out!
All of this IS possible all because I DO believe in myself. Let me push my negative self out of the way. As it is written, it is already done. Look out world, here comes the Real Row.!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Running For Dad ...
This October 2008, Row.'s turning 40 (ooooohhhh!) and to celebrate I will be running my very first marathon ever! I have done several endurance events in the past, but none as significant or as important as this one.
At the urging of my husband, Chris, I signed up to run the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon in early March. As it was a lottery, I signed up never imaging that I would be selected. No longer can I claim that I have never won the lottery. Being one of 20,000 lucky selected lottery winners of this marathon, I will be running on Sunday, October 19th in memory of my Beloved Father, Alex Qunitua, whom many of you know passed away this past Valentine's day from complications of leukemia.
My Dad was a man who enjoyed life, and loved his family and friends. He fought his disease with much determination and heart, and very little complaint. My father knew this disease inside and out, constantly researching and asking questions, reading literature, and seeking the advice of multiple physicians. My Father, being of strong Catholic faith, prayed also ... he prayed not only for himself, but for his family, for a miracle, and for a cure. My Father wanted so much to live, and he believed that he would overcome. And he did ... my Father lived for four years after his initial diagnosis. He was a man with a big heart and an equally big smile. He believed that much was possible and he lived his life to the fullest.
I know that many of you believe that 26.2 miles is a long way to run, but I can do this for my Dad. The fight that my Father fought with Leukemia was so much harder than my undertaking of running a marathon. I thoroughly and truly believe that my Dad will be with me as I cross that finish line, and that it will be a life-changing moment for myself. I only wish that my Father's finish line could have been a different one.
The Nike Women's Marathon is a race that benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) and raises funds to help find cures for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. In honor of my Father, I am fundraising for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS). I know that these are tough financial times, but if you can help me in raising funds for this organization, please make your checks out to the "Leukemia Lymphoma Society" (Please write "MCH/RWallen" or "In Memory Of Alex Quintua" in your memo line). Whatever amount you can give is appreciated immensely. You can mail the checks to me or you can donate online at
Many thanks to all of you for all of your support.
Row. ; )
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Asked My Children ...
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Samuel: "Get off the couch and go do something!"
Nathan: "Nathan, pick up your plate/socks/shoes/stuff!"
Noah: "That she loves me."
Grace: "Knock it off!!!"
2. What makes mom happy?
Samuel: "Chocolate, purple things, reading, writing."
Nathan: "Being with her family."
Noah: "I do."
Grace: "When I bring her a Pepsi."
3. What makes mom sad?
Samuel: "Grandpa Alex."
Nathan: "When her family is being mean."
Noah: "When a relative dies."
Grace: "When I don't bring her a Pepsi."
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Samuel: "She says DUMB stuff. LOL."
Nathan: "By saying funny things."
Noah: "She tells jokes."
Grace: "She tickles me."
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Samuel: "The same that she is now?! How am I supposed to know, I wasn't alive."
Nathan: "She had big, giant hair."
Noah: "I don't know, she never told me."
Grace: "Small."
6. How old is your mom?
Samuel: "Young."
Nathan: "40 years old."
Noah: "40."
Grace: "40."
7. How tall is your mom?
Samuel: "Short."
Nathan: "4ft. 10/11 in."
Noah: "A little taller than me."
Grace: "She's little."
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Samuel: "Read, workout."
Nathan: "Go to the gym."
Noah: "Run, exercise."
Grace: "Ride her bike, run, play."
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Samuel: "Work."
Nathan: "Sleep or go to the gym."
Noah: "I don't know."
Grace: "Goes to work."
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Samuel: "Her memoirs."
Nathan: "For finishing a big marathon first with a record time."
Noah: "Running."
Grace: Unable.
11. What is your mom really good at?
Samuel: "Cooking!!!"
Nathan: "Running."
Noah: "Running."
Grace: "Playing games."
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Samuel: "Dancing."
Nathan: "Swimming."
Noah: "Break dancing."
Grace: Unable.
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Samuel: "Nursing."
Nathan: "She is an ER Nurse at .. (that place that shall remain nameless)."
Noah: "She's a nurse."
Grace: "She fixes people."
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Samuel: "IDK. Chocolate chip ice cream?"
Nathan: "I am not sure."
Noah: "I would have to say salad."
Grace: "Rice and soup."
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Samuel: "She takes care of 4 kids and works two jobs."
Nathan: "She saves lives every day."
Noah: "That she runs."
Grace: Unable.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Samuel: "Speedy Gonzales!"
Nathan: "Road Runner."
Noah: "The Road Runner."
Grace: "Dora, Dora."
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Samuel: "Eat, sit, play Bejeweled."
Nathan: "Watch movies."
Noah: "Sing in the car."
Grace: "We talk, play, and eat."
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Samuel: "Skin color! Reading."
Nathan: "We both run a lot."
Noah: "Well, people say that we look the same."
Grace: "We're girls."
19. How are you and your mom different?
Samuel: "She's older, and I don't like to work out. And she's a girl!"
Nathan: "She's a girl and I'm a boy."
Noah: "She's older."
Grace: Unable.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Samuel: "She works, and she picks me up from school, and she gives me money!"
Nathan: "She says it a lot and she shows it."
Noah: "She tells me."
Grace: "She kisses me."
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Samuel: "Barnes and Noble!!!"
Nathan: "To the gym."
Noah: "The gym."
Grace: "To sleep!"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I've Become a New Blogger
At any one given moment in time, there are several if not a gazillion thoughts running through my head. Most times they're logged on paper kept somewhat safe in my journal, other times they're kept in check and inside my head.
This is the life of Row. My life, out in the open ... only a select few thoughts. Be thankful that I'm even considering sharing as much as I will, because I'm not one to share much of anything, especially my thoughts and feelings so openly.
Let's see how this goes ... I have so much to say, sometimes so little paper, sometimes so little time, sometimes so little patience.
Ready to go on a ride? Hold on, it's gonna be a "wild" one ... well, as "wild" as it's gonna be for Row. Let's goooo .....