By looking at the name of this half mary, you already know that it's gonna be a fun race. Or so it sounded fun when my friend and running partner, Mac Donahoo, suggested that we run it. Why not, right? So registration was set and confirmed in January that we would run this half. In fact, it was decided in January that we would run a half every month this year! Yeah, I know, but that's another blog to write about!
I had talked my hubby, Chris, into running the half marathon relay with me. We had found him a willing partner, but she bailed at the last minute. It was a scramble up until the very last minute literally to find him a partner. Alas, one of my twitterverse friends, Linda, known as @MsV1959 on twitter, so graciously stepped in and agreed to be his partner. Whew!
We had picked up our packets and race paraphaneila the Thursday before the run. Good times as we met Mac at Fleet Feet in Sacramento, even though it was only for a few minutes. We were ready!
The race was to be held on Sunday, March 14 at Raley Field in Sac. Easy enough, right? Yeah, right. We had already planned on taking our sons and a couple of their friends to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) on the Saturday before the race. We still didn't think that it would be an issue. However, we did not factor in the fact that WWE would end so late, and then daylight savings time was on Sunday ... yep, spring forward one hour!!! Ugh. Yet, Chris kept assuring me that we would be okay.
WWE was an interesting event. I had absolutely NO clue what was happening, but it was fun. The boys were entertained and they had a good time. Ironically, Chris' relay partner, Linda, also happened to have tickets to this event, and she sat only 2 rows ahead of us! It was smart of us to bring her race bib, and the relay bracelet to the event to give to her so that in case we didn't see her in the morning, she could at least start!
Unfortunately, we ended up getting home close to midnight. It was a mad dash to get everything I needed organized so that I could get to bed and not have to worry about stuff in the morning. I made sure that I set the clocks ahead, and set the alarm for the "right" time to get up. I asked Chris several times if he wanted me to Google our destination (Raley Field). Each time, he said, "No, we can do it in the morning. We'll be okay."
Sleep came easy for me, but with the usual pre-race anxieties, so I was awakened every couple hours or so. At one point I had a dream that I missed the start, and after that sleep was useless, but I continued to try to get some sort of shut eye. Lucky for me, I remembered that it's not the sleep that you get on the night before the run that counts, it's the sleep the day before the run that's important!
0515 came fast! I know I hit the snooze once, but was up soon afterwards. The plan was to get on the road by 0600 because it was recommended that we show up at 0630 because of traffic and parking delays! At 0600 Chris was having troubles getting directions to Raley Field. What? I said nothing. I couldn't because what good would it do? Instead, I decided to help him, and was able to pull up the address in a few seconds, and get directions immediately after that. Okay, it's 0615 ... let's goooo!
We have to stop, I tell Chris. I needed fuel ... breakfast. McDonald's please. Yes, I said McDonald's. I always get hotcakes and bacon before my races. Except this time, my hotcakes tasted like blah-cakes! I don't think I even barely ate half of them. Oh well. It was enough to fuel me. All this time as we're driving, Linda and Mac are both texting me ... Aaaahhh. I was ashamed to tell them that we were, as usual, perpetually late. We were on the road, and that's all that mattered.
We arrived at Raley Field at around 0715, maybe later. I'm not sure. I just knew that we were running late. I stepped out of the car and I knew that I was already in trouble. You see, I had dressed myself in shorts thinking that the weather would be fab. Mistake!!! I was instantly fffffrozen ... goose bump city on my quads! Gah! I decided it was too late to do anything about it and just suck it up and make the best of it. What else could I do?
Okay, I realize I'm getting winded ... time to move forward to the actual race ...
Mac and I started in Wave 2. Not sure why, or how I got put there, I just know that I was to start there. The first gun went off at 0800, and ours went off promptly at 0810. I was excited, and a little nervous, but overall, I was okay. When the gun went off ... I started Roxanne, my new Garmin, and took off.
I realize that there was a plan that my Coach, Craig Moss, had given me. I tried to follow it, but for some reason or another, my body did not comply with my mind and just took off. I tried to slow it down, but it was not happening, so I just went with it.
Miles 1 thru 8 were uneventful. I remember I was feeling okay, and making good time. I had stayed with Mac until the 10k mark as I usually do, then I start to slow, while she keeps on going. Linda saw me at the halfway mark after she had already finished her leg of the relay. She inspired me to go on. I took my Gu at miles 4 and 8, but as I did so, I could feel my body tell me that it wasn't ready for it. But I was advised by my coach to do so, so I did as I was told.

Immediately after stopping, I felt ill. Really, really sick. Physically gut twisting, nasueated SICK. I'd never felt like this before ... EVER! Then it hit me ... too much GU! I was advised to take it at miles 4 and 8 which I did. I should've stuck with my Gu Chomps. Too much Gu makes for a very twisted gut for Row. So ... lesson learned. Follow your gut. My gut kept telling me, "No, Row. It's not time for Gu." In retrospect, I believe that McDonald's may have played a small part in my GI issues. It took the better part of my whole day to get better.
Another no-no ... Not dressing correctly or underestimating the weather. I ran "COLD!" My muscles never warmed up during this run. I had goose bumps the entire run which I knew was bad. Not a good thing! So ... I will bring extra clothing to either dress up or undress! =)
Overall, I loved the course. It was a really nice day, and it was a lot of fun to run. My overall time was a PR for me at 2:18:00. 4 minutes off my previous half. Can't wait to run it again next year. Thanks, Mac, for the invite!